About Attorney David Demers
Meet our results-driven criminal defense lawyer
David Demers graduated from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill with a major in International Studies. He obtained his Juris Doctor law degree from Roger Williams University in 2009 and North Carolina Bar license in 2010. David Demers is a criminal defense lawyer practicing in Charlotte since 2010. His practice specializes in DWIs, all felonies and misdemeanors, and traffic matters. “Our field of expertise combines competent, practical and aggressive strategies to obtain the best possible outcome for our clients.”
David Demers is committed to helping those in need and our proven results reflect our dedication.
In addition, David Demers speaks fluent French and proficient Spanish. He accepts and welcomes clients of all racial, gender, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. LGBTQ+ clients are most definitely welcome!
한국어변역 무료로 가능합니다. 데이비드 변호사에게 연락해주세요. 한국 문화를 잘 이해하고 샬롯 형사 범죄는 데이비드한테 맡겨주세요.
“Best lawyer for a traffic violation DUI cases in NC . Took care of my case for me I didn’t have to worry about nothing. We discuss different strategies how to handle my case. He took care of it. Got it dismissed. ”